After the shopping trip to Long Beach, I was beat. I went back to the motel & crashed hard. After a couple hour nap, I woke up with nothing to do, but watch the boob-tube in my room. This is NOT why I travelled 3000 miles. My friend Ernie, aka GROG, had invited me to attend the weekly gathering of friend's at Kirby's Rumpus Room. I was a little aprehensive about showing up at someone's door whom I'd never met in person, but again, I was 3000 miles from home & determined to make the most of every minute. I mustered up my courage, stopped at the nearby grocery store for a bag of lemons & limes & headed for Kirby's house. After driving up & down the street a few times trying to determine which house was his, I saw some activity at one house & stopped to ask if this was indeed, Kirby's house. The girl I spoke with, (my friend Kelly "Hiphipahula" Relly,) confirmed that it was. I gathered up my bag of citrus & sheepishly entered into the Rumpus Room. My aprehension was unfounded, as I was greeted warmly by Kirby & all those present. For the second time in 3 days, I found myself in the midst of fellow Tikiphiles I had conversed with on Tiki Central, but had never met in person. Kelly made me one of her signature Tiki cocktails & I entered into the conversastion with ease. Kirby surprised me, by presenting me with a Rumpus Room pendant, reserved for Rumpus Room regulars or long distance travellers. Before I knew it, it was after 2 AM & I figured it was time to head back to the motel, before I wore out my welcome. What a wonderful, warm & friendly group of people. This night just furthered my belief that I was living on the wrong coast.
Me & Kirby (Note the cool Rumpus Room pendant!)
Some shots of the Rumpus Room
While partaking of my Hiphipahula cocktail, I noticed one of the regulars drinking from an amazing Zombie mug. "Where did you get that mug?", I asked. "It's mine." he replied. "I designed it." Of course my response was "How do I get one?" He then went out to his car & returned with a mug for me to purchase. On top of everything else, I now had added a Kahuna Kent Zombie mug to my collection. Tell my again why I want to go home?
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